Sunday, 8 January 2012

This aint no dress rehearsal

You’ve probably heard the expression “Life is not a dress rehearsal” .  Unfortunately, many of us unconsciously act as if it were.  Like an actress just going through the motions in order to conserve her creative energy and focus for opening night, we hold back.  Perhaps you save the pretty china for when company comes; perhaps you’re like me and rarely dress up when you’re home alone.  If were’ not playing to an audience, does it really matter?
That’s a good question to ask ourselves as the New Year begins and we examine the quality of our real life journey.  It does take more effort to set an inviting table, but it enhances our enjoyment of eating.  We all feel better when we take those extra few moments to fix our hair and put on makeup, but what’s more, we act different.  Every actress knows the magic power of props and costumes to create special moods both onstage and off.  None of us can be expected to perform every minute of our lives.  But a lot of us might tap into the power, excitement, and glory of Real Life more frequently if we cast ourselves as the leading ladies in our own lives.

me being my authentic self circa 2008 - bonfire dancing in BC
man I miss that poncho!

The above in has been borrowed from one of my favourite books "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach. There is a page to read for every day of the year, guiding you towards being your Authentic Self and living the most abundant life you can. I've owned this book for years but have yet to make it to the end.
And on each New Years Day, I start fresh, determined that this is the year I will get through this book! Last year I made it to March, heehee. THIS year I am sharing it with a friend. Every day I type up "today's entry" and email it to her. Obviously this motivates me on those days where I think
"I'll just do it tomorrow".  The above above erpt is from January 4th. Certain entries jump out more than others to me, so I will share with you my favourites along my 365 day journey!

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