Friday, 3 February 2012

Feeling incredibly Grateful today

Today I am feeling just so happy to be ME. I decided to make today a full on "me" day.
Which started at 11:45! I can't even remember the last time I slept in like that. Yep, no school but more importantly, no guilt. I figure if you're going to do something you consider "naughty" go all out ! Guilt free! I feel that the way you feel about what you do is more important than what you're actually doing.

My love had the day off as well so after an hour or so of lounging & chatting about life, just "being together" (which is far and few between these days) we were off to

 our local Bridgehead for our "usual" (soy latte for me and a chai tea for the Mr.)
Followed by a delicious homemade brunch. And get this:
Can you believe my "me day" actually consists of going to work?? I still cannot believe I have found a job that I look forward to going to. Sage Wellness is just the most peaceful and nurturing environment where I can be my authentic self.

At 7pm my bestfriend will join me for a dip in the Infrared Sauna, followed by Kirtan at 7:45 sighhhh....I can hear my mind, body and soul yelling "thank youuuuu" deep inside! In keeping with the "me day /authentic self" theme, I've decided post some photos from 2011 in which I know like I know like I knowwww I was being my authentic self and therefore, blissfully happy!

Me and Chrissie the day she graduated from Yoga Teach Training

 Ravenswing last summer, an artisan craft fair - surrounded by creativity
with  friend Fiona, spent the day at her tent helping out 

canoeing with my love - Algonquin Park
you can often find me bartending at local poetry events
The Womenfolk society's first show! A group of amazing women I sang with
in the summer!

 Camping- On a trip for supplies, I turned my cellphone on  and got the news that Amy Winehouse had died, I had always been a huge fan, and felt an overwhelming urge to paint in her honour, a darker moment but authentic nonetheless.
Embrace your feelings so that they may pass.

An abundant love filled weekend to all!